In 2021 Austrian Holzindustrie Handlos started a new high-performance sawmill in Summerau/Upper Austria, with a capacity of at the moment 650.000 solid cubic metres. For controling the production they decided to use TiCom by TimberTec. This ERP and process master controler starts as early as contracting with wood deliverers. It can calculate automatically from gluelam orders how much wood must be delivered to the sawmill, optimizes automatically the output of the saw based on scanner information, and also controls the gluelam production plant on another location, which is also linked to TiCom.
TimberTec controls glue-lam timber production at Asta
With the installation of a glue-lam timber production at Asta Holzwerk hand in hand a ERP- and production master computer by TimberTec was installed. The system controls all planning- and production processes of the new plant centrally and is able to integrate all “island”-machinery of the older solid structural timber production.
20 Years without wear
More then 20 years Dicker Logistics used a Best-Hall fabric structure at one of their sites. Now they opened up another site and moved the fabric structure in only six weeks there. The Best-Hall structure showed no wear after 20 years, so Dicker decided to eventually build a second Best-Hall warehouse in only 3 weeks there.